Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Sports and Restrict Eating Is Not the Answer to Slim Body

You probably already memorized "formula" to reduce weight, which is to eat less and increase the portion of the sport. In theory, that makes sense.

Not only in theory, science also proves that burning more calories than we consume can have an impact on weight loss.

But, the problem is, this weight loss sometimes only gives a temporary result. For the long term, this effort is less satisfactory.

So, how to lose weight right? Some obesity experts say, stop counting calories.

"Intuitively, we know that cutting down on eating and adding exercise does not matter.It's like, 'I work, then me and my co-workers will be fired'," said obesity prevention expert from Boston's children's hospital, Dr David Ludwig, was quoted as saying by Time.com.

"The unpleasant fact is there are some people who can lose weight through that way so keep doing it."

According to Ludwig and Dr. Mark L Friedman of The Nutrition Science Initiative in San Diego, the mindset limits the calories to ignore years of research on biological factors that control weight.

Obesity is not just a genetic factor. Ludwig and Friendman think we should stop seeing weight as something separate from the body's biological functions, such as hormones and hunger, and the effects of the foods we eat.

In other words, obesity is not just about how much we eat.

Then, what causes the outbreak of obesity? The answer is refined carbohydrates. For example, processed sugar and grains, such as white rice, bread, which can be found in many diet concepts.

During this time we spend a lot of time to "catch" fat as a trigger of obesity.

"We have to forget the 'low fat' paradigm: Some foods with high fats, such as avocados, nuts, and olive oil, are healthy foods we can eat," Ludwig said.

Refined carbohydrates cause an increase in insulin. Simply put, when we eat a lot of refined carbohydrates, such as a packet of biscuits, in the body insulin levels soar and will trigger fat cells to absorb calories. But, there is not enough calories and nutrients in the biscuit to provide the energy the body needs.

Our brain then sends a signal of hunger to respond to that which eventually also slows the metabolism of the body so that it then makes us want to eat more.

According to him, rather than counting calories, better focus on the quality of food consumed.

"If we just try to eat less and exercise more, we will not achieve goals," Ludwig said.

Just focusing on calories will be misleading and potentially harmful to the body because we ignore how the number of calories impacts hormones and metabolism. We also become difficult to run a healthy diet.

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