Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Calories: Healthy Weight Key

Weight will increase if you consume more calories than the body burned.

Calories are the energy dose in food. The key to healthy weight is to know how much calorie content in the food you consume so that it can be adjusted to the amount of energy burned by the body.

Body Fuel

The body needs energy from calories in food to be able to move. Generally the average woman needs about 1,600-2,400 kilocalories (kcal) per day, while the average man takes 2,000-3000 kcal. But the number of calories needed by each person varies depending on their height, weight and level of activity.

Many factors can affect the number of calories that the body burns during physical activity. Among these are the age and type of activities performed. For example, cycling will burn more calories than walking casually. If not used as fuel, more calories will be stored in the body as fat.

Calculating Calories

Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are a type of calorie-containing nutrients that act as body fuel. Each gram of average fat contains 9 calories, while carbohydrates and protein have an average of 4 calories. While the calories in the food packaging can usually be seen from the nutrition label on the back. This data is useful to ensure that you do not consume excessive calories. The units generally used are kkal or kJ which stands for kilojoules.

You can easily compare the levels of calories in several different products because the labels listed will generally include the calorie content contained per 100 ml or 100 grams. Try to check the nutrition label on every food you will consume. What should be wary of when the label is only written "so many calories in one portion". There is no standard measure that can be used as a benchmark in "one pack" or "one portion".

Reduce Excess Calories

Excessive calories mean the body weight exceeds the ideal size. Changes in diet and exercise can be a solution to the condition. Your weight is the result of balancing the number of calories. That is, if you consume more calories than you burn, then your weight will increase.

If in a week you consume foods and drinks containing a total of 10,000 calories, then you also need to burn 10,000 calories. In this way, then there is no excess calories stored as fat in the body.

Identifying the list of foods that you will consume in a day can help you determine which foods you can eliminate to cut your caloric intake. For example by choosing no longer consume a snack containing a lot of sugar between breakfast and lunch time. Or you can also replace snacks with fresh fruits that are healthier and contain lower calories. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Reduce the portion of food. Half a plate of fried rice contains more calories than a full plate. Using a smaller plate will make you encouraged to eat in smaller portions.
  • Replace high-calorie foods with low-calorie ones. For example, you can replace chicken curry or fried chicken with boiled chicken spices or chicken stir-fried with vegetables.
  • Avoid high-calorie and low-nutrient foods such as fried foods that contain lots of oil.
  • Choose water or fresh tea instead of drinks containing lots of sugar or ice drinks containing coconut milk.
  • You can use online calorie counter apps like SuperTracker.

In addition to adjusting your diet, you can also complete with a variety of sports for a maximum diet to get the healthy weight you want.

10 Routine Habits to Accelerate Weight Loss

You may have decided to lose weight immediately. But, could you still be confused about what habits to do, in addition to adjusting the diet, to support that goal? Well, here are the guides that might be inspired to be more eager to achieve weight loss targets.

1. Create a realistic target

Even if you have a target to lose weight in bulk, set a small target for weekly or monthly as a stepping stone toward a larger goal.

For example, you target sports five times a week or other small targets. Note on a notebook, calendar or laptop to set the target. Record what foods are taken, including the exercise.

2. Consume these three foods every meal

To feel full for a long time, eat protein (20 to 30 grams), carbohydrates (40 to 75 grams) and healthy fats (6 to 25 grams) each meal.

Choose foods with vegetable protein, such as roast chicken or tofu, and complex carbohydrates, such as roasted sweet potatoes, rather than refined carbohydrates. Unsaturated seeds and fats, such as nuts and avocados, are also recommended to provide a longer satiety.

3. Create a food journal

When deciding to lose weight, it is important to know the amount of calories consumed each day. That way, we so have a benchmark of how much to consume if you want to reduce the number of scales.

Remember to record every food that is consumed accurately. Can also take photos of the food to make you remember. Not only to count calories, but to improve whether the food is healthy or not consumed.

4. Do these two sports

Make a commitment to exercise every day. For example, do cardio and muscle formation five times a week with a duration of 45 to 60 minutes per day.

While the other two days could be a break session. You can fill it with light yoga or walking.

Cardio activity can burn fat, while lifting weights can accelerate the body's metabolism that will help you gain muscle mass so that burned calories can be more.

5. Drink plenty of water

Drink water from 2000 to 3000ml every day. If tired of drinking water interspersed with drinking fresh lemon water or water with pieces of fruit to add flavor.

Avoid soda, juice and milk. Consume only fresh water. With zero calories, water not only makes the body hydrated and not easily hungry.

6. Include vegetables in each food

A certified diet expert, Leslie Langevin, MS, RD, CD of Whole Health Nutrition says that there is a simple thing we can do to realize our desire to lose weight, which is eating more vegetables. Therefore, vegetables contain few calories and rich in fiber.

7. Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep can gain weight. Because, this will lower levels of hunger-regulating hormone, Leptin, and increase levels of hormones that trigger appetite Glerin.

A number of studies say that women who do not get enough sleep consume an average of 300 calories more than those who sleep enough. So, try to sleep not too late and sleep for approximately 7 hours.

8. Keep hunger in mind

Calculating calories is one way to lose weight, but this should be a lifestyle. Not easy to do, but we must be good at controlling the portion of the meal. Do not eat except when hungry and eat until you feel enough, not feeling satiated.

9. Apply the 80/20 pattern

Eating healthy every time and following a pattern known as 80/20 can help you lose weight. The 80/20 pattern is a lifestyle for consuming fruits, fresh vegetables, whole grains, vegetable protein, and healthy fats by as much as 80 percent. You should also reduce your intake of sugar, processed foods and alcohol.

While 20 percent you can enjoy foods like chocolate, even french fries. By adjusting this diet, you will not miss the opportunity to eat your favorite foods.

10. Monitor its progress

After doing the above stages, do not forget to monitor your weight gain. In addition to weighing, you can take a photo of yourself every month, measure the body fat presentation and keep a journal of fitness to see progress in doing sports.

What you feel can also be a benchmark. If you feel great and your clothing is no longer a narrow, may not be too frequent weighing.

Sports and Restrict Eating Is Not the Answer to Slim Body

You probably already memorized "formula" to reduce weight, which is to eat less and increase the portion of the sport. In theory, that makes sense.

Not only in theory, science also proves that burning more calories than we consume can have an impact on weight loss.

But, the problem is, this weight loss sometimes only gives a temporary result. For the long term, this effort is less satisfactory.

So, how to lose weight right? Some obesity experts say, stop counting calories.

"Intuitively, we know that cutting down on eating and adding exercise does not matter.It's like, 'I work, then me and my co-workers will be fired'," said obesity prevention expert from Boston's children's hospital, Dr David Ludwig, was quoted as saying by Time.com.

"The unpleasant fact is there are some people who can lose weight through that way so keep doing it."

According to Ludwig and Dr. Mark L Friedman of The Nutrition Science Initiative in San Diego, the mindset limits the calories to ignore years of research on biological factors that control weight.

Obesity is not just a genetic factor. Ludwig and Friendman think we should stop seeing weight as something separate from the body's biological functions, such as hormones and hunger, and the effects of the foods we eat.

In other words, obesity is not just about how much we eat.

Then, what causes the outbreak of obesity? The answer is refined carbohydrates. For example, processed sugar and grains, such as white rice, bread, which can be found in many diet concepts.

During this time we spend a lot of time to "catch" fat as a trigger of obesity.

"We have to forget the 'low fat' paradigm: Some foods with high fats, such as avocados, nuts, and olive oil, are healthy foods we can eat," Ludwig said.

Refined carbohydrates cause an increase in insulin. Simply put, when we eat a lot of refined carbohydrates, such as a packet of biscuits, in the body insulin levels soar and will trigger fat cells to absorb calories. But, there is not enough calories and nutrients in the biscuit to provide the energy the body needs.

Our brain then sends a signal of hunger to respond to that which eventually also slows the metabolism of the body so that it then makes us want to eat more.

According to him, rather than counting calories, better focus on the quality of food consumed.

"If we just try to eat less and exercise more, we will not achieve goals," Ludwig said.

Just focusing on calories will be misleading and potentially harmful to the body because we ignore how the number of calories impacts hormones and metabolism. We also become difficult to run a healthy diet.

Various Ways of Lowering High Cholesterol, In addition to Cholesterol Drugs

Cholesterol has been considered negative. Many people avoid cholesterol foods, can cause heart disease, the rumor said. This may be true but it may not be. But, do you know what cholesterol is really? Is it really as bad as you imagine? Find out all about this substance here.

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a candle, like fat, found in all cells in the body. This substance may often be viewed negatively during this time. Almost everyone assumes high cholesterol foods should be avoided. But, did you know cholesterol is actually needed by the body?

Yes, the body needs this substance to make hormones (such as the hormone testosterone, cortisol, and estrogen), vitamin D, and bile acids to help digest fats from food. The body itself can actually make all of these substances as needed, but this may be only in small quantities.

Most cholesterol in the body you may get from food consumption. The liver will produce more of these substances if you consume lots of foods that contain saturated fats and trans fats. This can then cause the cholesterol in your blood to be high.

What is the difference between LDL and HDL?

Cholesterol moves through the bloodstream in the form of lipoproteins. Lipoproteins are made from the fat on the inside and the proteins on the outside. Well, there are two types of lipoproteins that carry cholesterol throughout your body, namely:

  • Low density lipoprotein (LDL) is also known as bad cholesterol. High HDL buildup in the body can cause arterial blood vessels (which carry blood from the heart to the rest of the body) clogged. This can then lead to heart disease or stroke.
  • High density lipoprotein (HDL) is also known as good cholesterol. HDL carries cholesterol from other parts of the body back to the liver. Then by the liver, this substance will be broken down and removed from the body. Higher amounts of HDL than LDL in the body is a good thing for health and can help prevent you from chronic illness.

What are the normal cholesterol levels in the body?

It is important for you to check the levels of LDL cholesterol and HDL in the body. This is one step to prevent chronic diseases, such as heart disease and stroke. Cholesterol levels in the blood are measured at least once every five years in any person over the age of 20 years, these tests commonly referred to as lipid profiles.

The lipid profile test can show the total amount of cholesterol present in the body, the amount of LDL, the amount of HDL, and the amount of triglycerides. Limits for each type of test are:

  • Good total cholesterol in the blood is less than 200 mg / dl, included in the high category when levels reach 240 mg / dl or more.
  • Good LDL levels in the blood are less than 100 mg / dl, and will harm your health if levels reach 160 mg / dl or more.
  • Good HDL levels in the body is 40 mg / dl or more, and can be said to be low if the levels are less than 40 mg / dl.
  • Good levels of triglycerides in the blood is less than 150 mg / dl, and included in the high category when levels reach 200 mg / dl or more.

What causes a person to have high cholesterol?

Are you one of those people who have high cholesterol? In that case, it means you have to be more careful in maintaining your health. This condition occurs when you have too much LDL in the blood or too low levels of HDL in the blood. This makes your risk of heart disease greater.

Many plaques (consisting of cholesterol, fat, calcium, and other substances) can form in arterial blood vessels because of high LDL levels. This is called atherosclerosis. As a result, atherosclerosis can clog the bloodstream and cause heart disease.

LDL and HDL levels in the body can be affected by many things, including:

  • The food you eat. Eating foods containing saturated fat and trans fats can cause your LDL levels to rise. Examples of foods that contain high fat are, fried, chicken with skin, fatty meat, and fast food.
  • Excess body weight. People who are overweight or obese tend to have high levels of LDL.
  • Age. The older a person, the more elevated his LDL level. This may be influenced by decreased function and metabolism of the body. So no wonder an elderly person will have a larger LDL number than a younger person. LDL levels will begin to increase after you enter the age of 20 years.
  • Lack of exercise. Exercise can actually help raise HDL levels and also make LDL less harmful, by increasing the size of particles that make up LDL.
  • Family history. If your family members have a history of high cholesterol, you may experience the same thing. This is because genetics also affect cholesterol levels in your blood, can even be very influential compared to other factors (as above). Skinny people who have high cholesterol offspring can also have high cholesterol as well. So, this disease can not only be owned by fat people only, do not get me wrong.

Genetics can control cells to not get rid of LDL in the blood quickly or can also cause the liver to produce too much LDL. Therefore, if you have high cholesterol offspring, you should control the factors that can be changed (such as keeping your intake of eating and exercising).

What are the symptoms of high cholesterol?

Many people do not know that he has this condition, especially if he never checks it out. Usually he knows that he has this condition along with the diagnosis of other diseases, such as coronary heart disease, heart attack, or stroke. Of course, this is late to prevent the disease from appearing.

Actually there is no sign or special symptoms caused if someone has this condition. Inspecting HDL and LDL levels is the only way to tell if you have high cholesterol levels or are still within normal limits.

For that, you are advised to perform regular lipid profile checks to prevent the development of chronic diseases that can be caused by these conditions. Remember, prevention is better than cure!

What are the dangers if high cholesterol is not treated?

High cholesterol can cause atherosclerosis, where plaque buildup occurs in the walls of the arteries. This can clog the blood stream partially or completely and cause coronary heart disease. If atherosclerosis occurs in the arteries that supply blood to the heart (coronary artery), you may feel chest pain (angina) and other symptoms of coronary heart disease.

Over time, plaque can rupture and cause blood clots to form on the surface of the plaque. If the blood clot is large enough, it can block blood flow to the heart and make the heart muscle deprived of oxygen. If the blood flow does not recover quickly, the heart muscle part begins to die and a heart attack can occur.

Plaque can also form in arteries in other parts of the body, other than the heart, such as arterial blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood to the brain and limbs. This can lead to blocked blood flow and lead to problems, such as carotid artery disease, peripheral artery disease, and stroke.

How to lower high cholesterol?

Do not worry, if you are one of those people who have this condition, there are still many things you can do to lower LDL and increase HDL so you avoid the risk of chronic illness. Some ways to lower high cholesterol are:

1. Change your eating habits

One of the things that affect the levels of HDL and LDL in the body is the food you eat. For that, you need to control the intake of foods you eat so that levels of HDL and LDL are maintained. Should avoid foods containing saturated fats or high trans fats. Both types of these fats can increase LDL in the blood.

Examples of foods to avoid or limit their consumption are offal, fatty meats, butter, cream, oily or fried foods, high fat milk, and more.

2. Lose weight

People with excess body weight tend to have higher LDL than HDL. This is because usually fat people often overeat and rarely exercise. In order to avoid high cholesterol, it is recommended that you lose weight if you have excess body weight.

No need to lose weight to thin. Simply lose your weight until it reaches normal weight. This weight-loss effect is very positive for your LDL and HDL levels. Weight loss of 5 kg alone is able to reduce cholesterol levels to 8%.

Perform this weight loss in a healthy way, so not only the weight of water is reduced but also the weight of fat. You simply target your weight loss by 0.5-1 kg per week.

3. Do regular exercise

High LDL and low HDL are closely related to excess weight. Therefore, you need to burn body fat by doing regular exercise. Regular exercise can help increase HDL levels as well as lower LDL and triglyceride levels.

Do exercise for at least 30 minutes per day or 150 minutes per week for this benefit you can feel.

4. Stop smoking

Smoking can lower HDL in the body, so that LDL levels can continue to increase. In addition, smoking can also injure the walls of your blood vessels. For that, you should stop smoking if you want to avoid the disease due to high cholesterol.

5. Avoid stress

When stress, LDL levels can increase, loh. For that, you should avoid stress. Find fun activities that can make yourself calm, so avoid stress. In addition, you also need to meet your sleep needs. Lack of sleep can make the body stress.

What are cholesterol-lowering foods?

If you do not want LDL high, then you should eat more foods that contain good fats (unsaturated fats) than bad fats (saturated fat and trans fats). Some examples of food sources of unsaturated fat that you can consume to help lower high LDL levels are:

  • Olive oil
  • Salmon, tuna, sardines, herring, or other omega-3 rich fish (but should not be fried)
  • Avocado
  • Walnuts, almonds, meds, soybeans, and other nuts

In addition to foods high in unsaturated fats, foods high in fiber is also a cholesterol-lowering food. Fiber can help lower LDL and increase HDL. Fiber in foods can block the absorption of this substance by the body and help remove it from the body through the feces. Vegetables and fruits are a group of foods that contain high fiber.

In addition, oatmeal and whole wheat foods also contain high fiber.

Do I need to take cholesterol drugs?

In addition to changing the pattern of life, how to lower other cholesterol is to consume cholesterol drugs. Cholesterol drugs can lower LDL faster by 50% compared to other ways. Like, controlling fat intake only lowers LDL by 10%, while losing weight 5-10% of the initial weight only managed to reduce LDL to 15%, quoted from WebMD. So, no wonder if many people prefer to use drugs to lower LDL than changing lifestyle.

Cholesterol drugs work by blocking substances the body needs to make cholesterol, reduce triglyceride levels in the body, and help absorb cholesterol and get rid of it from the body. One of the most commonly used cholesterol drugs is statins, including atorvastatin, lovastatin, simvastatin, pravastatin, and rosuvastatin.

However, do not just rely on cholesterol drugs alone. You still need to keep your HDL and LDL levels normal by controlling your regular eating and exercise intake. Not that you've been using cholesterol drugs so you can eat anything free, that's wrong. After all, using statin cholesterol drugs can also cause side effects.

Side effects that can be generated from statins are dizziness, digestive problems, muscle and joint pain, type 2 diabetes mellitus, to muscle and liver damage. After knowing the side effects of statins, do you still want to use cholesterol drugs? Whether you need to use cholesterol drugs or not, it depends on the cholesterol levels in your body. You should ask your doctor.

Bad Lifestyle Resulting in Obesity

Obesity is overweight caused by the amount of fat in the body. Currently obesity not only cause problems related to beauty alone or just beautiful because it looks slim, but obesity causes a lot of illness and health problems. The most common diseases that strike an obese are heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure.

One of the causes of obesity is the wrong diet and lifestyle. Start by changing it for the better. That way you can lose weight. Not only that, increasing physical activity and behavior can also help you avoid obesity.

Obesity can be said if the body mass index or body mass index (BMI) reach 30 or more. Body mass index (BMI) can be calculated by weight (kg) divided by height (cm).

BMI calculation formula is: body weight: (height / 100)^2
For example, you weigh 50 kg and your height 160 cm.
BMI = 50 divided (160/100)^2 = 50: 2.56 = 19.53

If the result is below 18.5 that means your weight is below standard or too thin, then if the result is 18.5 - 24.9 means your weight is normal, whereas if the result 30 or more you fall into the category of obesity.

Causes of Obesity

Although genetic factors may also affect weight gain that may be at risk for obesity, the following factors may also be affected.

  • Bad lifestyle. Bad lifestyle can also affect weight, such as eating high-calorie foods (especially at night), fast food consumption, and high calorie drinks.
  • No activity. If you do not have any activity, just keep quiet and lazy, you will not be able to burn fat in the body. However, if you do a lot of activity and often exercise then it will help you in burning fat.
  • The wrong diet. By skipping breakfast is the wrong diet. Usually if you skip breakfast because it is on a diet, you will eat more at lunch. This is what makes weight gain faster.
  • Lack of sleep. A person who sleeps less than seven hours per day can affect hormones that can increase appetite.
  • Taking certain medications. Some drugs may lead to obesity, such as diabetes drugs, anti-seizure medications, steroidal anti-psychotic drugs and beta blockers.
  • Pregnant. During pregnancy a woman usually has a significant weight gain. Once the baby is born, they are usually difficult to lose weight as before.


Besides raising the risk of diseases such as diabetes, heart and high blood. Obesity is also at risk of causing several diseases below, such as:

  • High cholesterol and triglycerides
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Metabolic syndrome, a combination of high blood sugar, high blood pressure, triglycerides and high cholesterol
  • Stroke
  • Cancer, including uterine, cervical, ovarian, breast, colon, rectal and prostate cancers
  • Depression
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Gynecological problems, such as irregular menstruation and fertility
  • Erectile dysfunction and sexual health, due to fatty blockage resulting in arterial narrowing to the genitals
  • Skin problems


Some tests will be done to find out if you are obese or not. Some of the tests that the doctor will usually do are:

  • Calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI)
  • Measure your waistline. Fat is usually around the waist or abdomen, which can lead to diabetes and heart disease. Women with waist circumference greater than 35 inches and men over 40 inches have a greater likelihood of various diseases than those with smaller waistlines
  • General physical examination, including, height, blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, lung function and your stomach condition
  • Blood check. With this examination you can find out some of the diseases you may have.


The main goal of obesity treatment is the achievement of a healthy life and ideal body weight. The way to achieve that goal is by dieting with:

  • Set a healthy diet by eating low-calorie foods
  • Do regular exercise and other activities
  • Consult a physician to practice diet and anxiety when it is difficult to diet
  • Find support to help you lose weight like friends, family, friends and the people around.
  • Change your lifestyle to be healthier and regular.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Be Careful, Obesity Can Be Contagious. How can?

Do you believe that obesity has become a 'contagious disease'? If you do not believe it, consider your surroundings. Have you ever seen a fat child, as well as parents, brother and sister? Yes, the statement that obesity is a contagious disease is proven. It is one of the proofs. Want more proof? Consider the following explanation.

Research: obesity is also included as a contagious disease

Unwittingly, the population of obese people is increasing every year. Although everyone knows that obesity can be at the root of various health problems, but still more and more people are obese.

Fat people can transmit obesity, even in the family or in social life. Do not believe? This has been proven in several studies. As the study, published in The New England Journal of Medicine, found that obesity is the result of intercourse. This study successfully shows how association can cause more and more obese people.

While the study reported in the American Journal of Sociology, states when obesity is also contagious in the family. This time not because of genetic, but the habit that makes obesity hereditary, contagious from one generation to another.

How can obesity be contagious?

Actually, contagious diseases are only caused by the presence of bacterial and viral infections. Unlike infectious diseases that are transmitted through air, water, or physical contact with the patient. You do not have to stay away from fat people, but the problem here is the pattern of life and habits that you should not imitate.

Yes, obesity is called 'contagious disease' because nowadays people are very easy to be fat, weight gain, and worst of all they do not really care about it.

Adopting bad habits from the surrounding environment, such as friends and family is a means of transmission of obesity. Consider how often do you agree or approve your friend's invitation to hang out while snacking on a place to eat, even though you've eaten big before? Or is your family accustomed to eating in front of the TV? And you're not used to eating vegetables and fruits routinely because of such family habits?

If all the answers yes, then you are the target of further transmission. If you do not also change the habit and always follow the bad things of your surroundings, then weigh in a few days or weeks later. Your weight will definitely increase and if calculated body mass index, you are included in the category of overweight.

How to avoid 'fatness'?

If you do not want to catch the condition and do not want to take risks for chronic diseases that occur due to obesity, you must stay away from these bad habits. Some of the main points of a healthy lifestyle you have to live are:

  • Eat nutritious foods as needed. Do not ignore the portion and regular eating hours, it can both help you avoid obesity.
  • Expand your fiber intake from vegetables and fruits.
  • Regular exercise. This is the absolute thing you must do to maintain your ideal body weight.
  • Get enough rest and avoid bad habits like staying up all night
  • Avoid consuming alcohol and smoking.
  • Consistent with what it does. Yes, it is very difficult indeed to maintain weight if not based on strong intentions. Therefore, you should be able to 'resist temptation' from the outside and stay focused with what has become your goal.

If you are accustomed to live a healthy lifestyle, then you will increasingly avoid transmission of obesity. In fact, you can also transmit your healthy lifestyle in the family environment and around. But you have to change your own lifestyle and pattern first, then can invite others to follow you.

Diet Always Failed? "Blame" These 4 Foods

Losing weight does require a business that is often frustrating.

We may already 'get rid' of heavy foods that potentially make weight loss difficult, white rice for example.

But, we may be unaware to get rid of foods that are inhibiting in diet success.

Here are four types of food items that can thwart the diet quickly, and what to eat as a replacement.

Foods containing emulsifiers

Emulsifiers are widely used in processed foods, such as ice cream, mayonnaise, margarine, chocolate, bakery products, and sausages.

Emulsifiers are chemicals that help incorporate ingredients that can not be mixed properly (eg oil and water).

Emulsifiers also make the food look attractive and durable.

Research conducted on mice shows, when put into the body, emulsifiers can alter intestinal bacteria, trigger inflammation, and increase the risk of obesity, as well as heart disease.

Common emulsifiers include: lecithin, mono and di-glycerides, polyglycerol esters, sorbitan esters, PG esters, and sugar esters.

Replace foods containing emulsifiers with unprocessed foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, eggs, legumes, nuts and seeds.

Food with MSG

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a very addictive flavor enhancer commonly used in fast food, instant noodles, processed meats, and many other foods.

A study in China shows, eating foods that MSG regularly can increase weight, and trigger many other health problems.

In the study, respondents who used MSG most in their cooking, were almost more than three times as likely to be overweight, than those who did not.

Even scary, the increased risk of obesity does not depend on physical activity and total calories consumed.

Other MSG related conditions include fibromyalgia, fatty liver and liver toxicity, high blood sugar, asthma, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, neurological brain disorders, indigestion, and metabolic syndrome.

MSG is usually disguised under a different name.

However, keywords that may indicate its presence are glutamate, whatever is hydrolyzed, yeast extract, gelatin, soy protein, soy or whey protein, soy sauce, whatever "protein", and calcium or sodium caseinate.

To replace MSG, we can search for minimal food and seasoned with simple spices.

Even better, add red peppers to increase extra metabolism.

Artificial sweeteners

Many people use sugar substitutes with zero calorie sweeteners as a means of weight loss. But this sweetener actually has the opposite effect.

In the study, rats fed artificial sweeteners saccharin, sucralose or aspartame developed glucose intolerance, metabolic conditions associated with obesity and type 2 diabetes.

In a follow-up study of seven human volunteers, four became glucose intolerant after taking the recommended maximum saccharin dose in just one week.

Eating too much ordinary sugar is also not good. So we can get a sweet taste with whole fruit, cinnamon, peanut butter, or sweet potato.

Low fat products

Most of us tend to assume that foods labeled 'low in fat' are good for weight loss.

But in a study published in the journal Appetite, the researchers analyzed nutritional information for nearly 6,000 meals in Canada.

The facts are found, overall, products with low fat claims do not significantly decrease calories.

In fact, low-fat foods can trigger people to consume extra calories.

Instead, instead of avoiding fat, you should eat good fats like omega-3s found in salmon, tuna, mackerel and other cold water fish.