Saturday, March 24, 2018

What's Calories and How Much Do We Need?

Calories become familiar words, especially when you're on a diet. But actually is it a calorie? Why do we need it and how many calories do we need?

Clinical nutrition specialist Samuel Oetoro says calories are actually units of energy. So precisely, the body needs energy in caloric units. Energy needed by the body to carry out its function and move.

"Energy is obtained from food, which is why every food has calories in different amounts," explains Samuel.

The difference in calories from food is determined by the nutritional value that is in it. The highest-calorie-containing nutrient is fat, followed by carbohydrates and protein.

"When compared to the size of one gram, fat contains nine calories, carbohydrates and protein are both four calories," said Samuel.

The determinants of caloric intake

The caloric needs of a person vary depending on several factors, including age, sex, weight, height, and activity. This is because these factors determine the amount of energy the body releases.

Samuel pointed out, for example a healthy adult men usually require an intake of 2,000 calories per day. As age grows, the lower caloric needs will be.

"To determine the exact caloric requirement for each individual, it takes expert calculation, but in general, calorie needs are influenced by these factors," added the doctor who practiced at Siloam Hospital.

Different needs different calorie count

Samuel explains, caloric needs should be sufficient to keep the body functioning normally. It's just that, if you have special needs, such as wanting to raise or lose weight, then the number of calories diasup may be different.

"To reduce weight, one must eat less than caloric needs, otherwise weight gain, but it should not be too drastic because it will interfere with body function." Ideally, weight drops two to four kilograms in a month, "he concluded.

Five Tips on Eating Habits to Lose Weight

Eating food while watching tv feels good. Unfortunately, the habit should be avoided, especially if you do not want to have excess weight.

Quoted from Men's Health, recent studies reveal mindful eating or eating with full awareness aka focus on eating activity itself, can contribute a large weight loss.

Mindful eating is even called better than those on a diet. Because when they stop dieting, the weight will increase again.

Some common mindful eating practices are known such as eating without doing anything else, considering where the food comes from, and eating when hungry and stopping when full.

In addition to mindful eating, researcher Carolyn Dunn also provides advice for those who want to reduce and maintain weight in an ideal state.

The first suggestion is to fill the dinner plate with vegetable protein such as beans. Considered precisely because such vegetable protein can make the stomach feel fuller, thus preventing overeating.

Second, try to eat for 20 minutes. The goal is to make you enjoy more meal time so it can chew food more smooth and give the body a chance to receive full signal. In addition, eating will feel good because it really felt.

The third suggestion is to ask yourself first if making food as an outlet for stress. Actually it is a common thing, but it is advisable to do some things first such as yoga or breathing to be more controlled when eating.

Another suggestion is if you want to eat, make sure mengasup preferred snack. Why? Because then you will enjoy.

And try to enjoy it in the first bite. That way, no need to spend the whole snack, because generally the pleasure is on the first bite.

Lastly, do not eat while working, reading or watching TV. Because when eating coupled with other activities, we will not focus and it makes eating uncontrollable.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Want a slim body but lazy to diet? Do it this way!

Most people are lazy to diet because the process is so difficult and takes a long time to get the desired results.

In the era of instant paced as it is today, the sale of unhealthy instant foods is increasing. Many people choose to eat fast food rather than healthy food, not only because of its instant presentation, but also because the price is quite cheap and it feels no less delicious with healthy food. So, no wonder, today more and more people, experiencing weight problems are not ideal.

For them, especially women who experience weight problems that are not ideal, this is a disaster. Because this can make them unconfident. Surely everyone wants a proportional body, slim and has no fat everywhere. However, not everyone who has a weight that is not ideal always managed to lose weight. Most people are lazy to diet because the process is so difficult and takes a long time to get the desired results. If you are one of those people who are lazy diet, but want to get a slim and proportional body, try to do the following way.

Do not miss breakfast

If anyone tells you that if you want to be skinny avoid eating in the morning, that's wrong. In fact, if you want to be thin without trying hard to diet, you have to have breakfast. Like a vehicle that needs fuel to get power, our body also needs fuel, that is food. If your eating hours are not regular, especially if you skip breakfast, chances are you will feel more hungry in the daytime, and eventually you will overeat and lose your weight.

Drink water before meals

Water is not only good for the health of our body but also can help keep our weight. By drinking water before meals is an effective way that can make you not eat much because the water also gives a satiety factor. If you are satisfied before eating your food to run out, the calories that enter your body is not much, so the weight can remain stable or even can decrease.

Do not eat after 7 pm

Many people are on a diet, always avoid dinner. And not always with dinner can make your body more fat. Dinner is okay, however, you also need to choose a healthy dinner menu as well. For example, avoid calories, and be replaced with protein or fruit consumption. And try not to consume any food after 7 pm.

Eat on small plates

Eating on large plates always entices us to spend the food. To avoid you eating large quantities, you should choose to eat on a small plate. This will help you reduce your food portion indirectly. If you want to lose weight quickly, you should apply this every day.

Eat fruit before meat

Many people assume, eating fruit is very well done after a meal, but it is not like that. Precisely eating fruit before eating is much better, because by eating fruits when the stomach is empty, it is very useful to detoxify the body's system so it makes you eat less. Get used to eating fruit at least 15-30 minutes before you consume heavy food.

Chew your food properly

If you do not want all the calories from the food you consume in your body, then chew your food properly. Because by chewing the food for a long time it can facilitate digestion better so this will limit the size of your portion indirectly. Therefore, you should chew the food 30 to 50 times per mouthful.

Diligent walking

The last way if you are lazy diet but want to burn your calories is to diligently walk. By diligently walking your feet slowly can reduce the fat in your body and your body will feel healthier. Walk anywhere, for example at home, office, around the house, park, mall, market and so on.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Understanding High Cholesterol

High cholesterol or hypercholesterolaemia is a condition in which the level of cholesterol in the blood that goes beyond normal levels. Cholesterol itself is a waxy fatty compound that is mostly produced in the liver and some of it is obtained from food. High cholesterol conditions can increase the risk of serious illness. Diseases that lurk high cholesterol sufferers are usually associated with the presence of excessive cholesterol deposition in blood vessels, such as strokes and heart attacks.

According to the WHO report in 2011, it is estimated that about 35 percent of Indonesia's population has higher cholesterol levels than normal limits good for health. This means that one-third of Indonesia's population at high risk of artery disease.

Excess cholesterol can result from eating foods with high cholesterol content or lack of exercise. However, this condition can also occur due to hereditary factors.

About Cholesterol

Actually cholesterol is needed by the body to help build new cells so that the body can keep functioning normally. In addition, cholesterol also helps the body produce vitamin D, a number of hormones, and bile acids to digest fats.

In the blood, cholesterol is carried by proteins. Combined both are called lipoproteins. The two main types of lipoproteins are low-density lipoproteins (LDL) commonly called bad cholesterol and high-density lipoproteins (HDL) commonly called good cholesterol.

LDL is responsible for transporting cholesterol from the liver to the cells in need. But if the amount of cholesterol exceeds the need, it can settle on the walls of the arteries and cause disease. On the other hand, HDL, as opposed to LDL, is responsible for transporting cholesterol back into the liver. Inside the liver, cholesterol will be destroyed or expelled by the body through feces.

The suggested blood cholesterol levels may vary depending on whether the person has a higher or lower risk of developing arterial disease. The amount of cholesterol in the blood can be measured by doing a blood test.

You should check blood cholesterol levels if you are overweight, have high blood pressure, have diabetes, or have other diseases that can increase your cholesterol levels.

Diagnosis of cholesterol levels is also recommended if a person has a close family who suffer from cholesterol disease, or a close family who has a history of cardiovascular disease at an early age.

For those who have been diagnosed with coronary heart disease, mild stroke, or peripheral arterial disease, it is advisable to perform this examination as well.

The impact of high cholesterol

When excessive cholesterol settles on the walls of the arteries, the blood flow in the heart, brain, and other body parts can be inhibited. In other words, high cholesterol increases a person's risk of arterial constriction or atherosclerosis, blood clots in certain body parts, minor strokes, strokes, and heart attacks.

High cholesterol levels can also cause pain in the front of the chest or on the arm (angina) when a person experiences stress or heavy physical activity. In addition, high cholesterol also increases a person's risk of coronary heart disease.

If you do not change your diet and do not quit smoking, people with high cholesterol will be more at risk of stroke or heart disease. In cigarettes found a chemical called acrolein. This substance can stop the activity of good cholesterol or HDL to transport fat deposits to the liver. As a result, arterial narrowing or atherosclerosis may occur.

In addition, the risk of the patient also increases if he suffers from hypertension, diabetes, or has a family suffering from heart disease or stroke.

High cholesterol can also be caused by a genetic condition (heredity) called familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH). Cholesterol levels of patients with this condition remain high despite eating healthy foods.

How to prevent or lower cholesterol levels

Healthy lifestyle is indispensable in treating high cholesterol conditions. Eating a healthy and nutritious balanced diet is one of the main steps that can be done in preventing or lowering cholesterol levels. Fat content in foods should be low. Try changing the consumption of foods containing saturated fats with fruits and vegetables, as well as whole grains (eg whole wheat bread). That way, cholesterol levels in the body will remain low. In addition to a healthy diet, immediately start exercising regularly and lose weight for those who are overweight. No less important, avoid smoking.

If the above suggestions are still not able to lower your cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease remain stalked, you should consult a doctor. Doctors will usually do the treatment by giving you prescription cholesterol-lowering drugs, such as statins.

Causes of High Cholesterol

Many factors can cause high cholesterol, one of which is lifestyle. Here are the things that are categorized as unhealthy lifestyles are high risk of triggering increased levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.

  • The habit of eating unhealthy foods. The most influential effect on cholesterol levels in the blood is the high levels of saturated fat in these foods. Foods high in saturated fats include coconut milk, offal, cow brain, goat meat, duck meat with skin, chicken skin, shellfish, shrimp, squid, and quail eggs.
  • Reluctance to exercise or lack of physical activity.
  • Especially for those of you who smoke, in cigarettes found a chemical called acrolein. This substance can stop the activity of HDL or good cholesterol to transport the fat deposits from the body to the heart to be removed. As a result, arterial narrowing or atherosclerosis may occur.
  • The habit of consuming too much liquor.

Another factor that makes a person more at risk of high cholesterol is obesity and has an excessive waist circumference. For those of us who belong to Asian people, obesity means having a body mass index above 25 (kg / m2) whereas it is said that the waist circumference is over 90 cm for men or 80 cm for women. If a person is obese, then he or she is likely to have bad cholesterol levels and higher triglyceride levels and lower good cholesterol levels.

Triglycerides are another type of fatty substance in the blood. There are several causes of rising triglyceride levels in a person's body, partly because of genetic factors, obesity, too much alcohol consumption, and eating too many foods containing sugar or high fat.

Other factors

In addition to lifestyle, there are some conditions that can change a person's cholesterol levels to high, among them are high blood pressure and diabetes, less active thyroid gland, liver disease, and kidney disease. Treating these underlying conditions can help lower cholesterol levels.

High cholesterol is also susceptible to certain races in the world. A person who is of Bangladeshi, Indian, Sri lanka, or Pakistani origin is more at risk of getting high cholesterol. In addition to race, age is also a deciding factor. As age increases, the risk for constriction of arteries or atherosclerosis increases.

Another factor is family or genetic history. The high cholesterol conditions that occur in the family are called familial hypercholesterolaemia. One in five hundred people inherited this condition from the parents. Someone who has this condition, usually can not eliminate excess cholesterol contained in the blood perfectly. And for those who live with high cholesterol levels, it means risky to get heart trouble early. You are more susceptible to high cholesterol if the male family (father or sibling) has a stroke or coronary heart disease under the age of 55 years. You are also prone to having high cholesterol if your female family (mother or sibling) is exposed to stroke or high blood under the age of 65 years.

Diagnosis of High Cholesterol

Blood cholesterol levels can be measured by simple blood tests. Blood samples will be used to determine the level of total cholesterol, bad cholesterol (LDL), good cholesterol (HDL), and triglycerides in the blood. Before performing the test, patients will usually be asked not to eat for 10-12 hours. The goal is that the test results are not affected by food that is still digested.

After the examination is complete and the results are obtained, the doctor will explain to the patient and conclude whether the patient has low, medium or high risk for cardiovascular disease, such as stroke or heart disease within 10 years. The conclusion is not only based on the results of cholesterol tests, but also obtained by taking into account the following points.

  • Gender, family history, ethnicity, and age.
  • Risk factors that can be treated, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and other diseases.
  • The body mass index of a patient whose size is obtained from the weight ratio of the patient to the height.

To measure total cholesterol, blood cholesterol is measured in units called milimol per liter of blood, or commonly abbreviated as mmol / L. For healthy adults, the recommended cholesterol level is 5 mmol / L or less. As for those at high risk, 4 mmol / L or less is recommended.

The ideal cholesterol (LDL) level is 3 mmol / L or less for healthy adults and 2 mmol / L or less for those at high risk. The ideal cholesterol level is above 1 mmol / L. If below that, then the risk of heart disease will be high.

In addition to checking cholesterol levels, triglyceride levels will also be checked. Triglycerides are fat in the body that will be converted into energy. This substance comes from the consumption of fatty foods. The unused triglycerides are stored in the fat tissue. Excess triglycerides can cause heart disease. The recommended triglyceride level is equal to / or below 1.7 mmol / L.

People who are suggested to have cholesterol tests

Someone is advised to have a blood cholesterol test if:

  • Aged over forty years.
  • Have diabetes or high blood pressure.
  • Being overweight or obese.
  • Diagnosed with mild stroke, peripheral artery disease, or coronary heart disease.
  • Have other diseases, such as kidney disease, inflammation of the pancreas or pancreatitis, or underactive thyroid gland. These diseases can increase triglyceride and cholesterol levels.
  • Has a close relative who has a cholesterol-related health disorder, such as familial hypercholesterolaemia.
  • Has a family history of early cardiovascular disease (eg father or brother who has a stroke, heart disease, or heart attack under age 55 and mother or sister who is affected by the disease under age 65).

High Cholesterol Treatment

If the diagnosis states that you have high cholesterol, your doctor will first advise you to change your diet, not smoking, and increase the frequency of exercise. This suggestion can also be applied in everyday life although in good health to help prevent high cholesterol.

Eating a healthy diet with low saturated fat content can help lower bad cholesterol levels in the body. Try to avoid the consumption of foods containing high saturated fats, as listed below.

  • Lamb
  • Duck meat and skin
  • Chicken skin
  • Innards
  • Cow's brain
  • Coconut milk
  • Crackers
  • Cakes and biscuits
  • Quail eggs
  • Calamari

Overall, the average man should not consume saturated fat more than 30 grams per day. For women, saturated fat intake should not exceed 20 grams per day. How to know the levels of saturated fat you eat can be seen on the list of doses listed in the product packaging.

Most nutritionists believe that the fatty substances contained in avocados and tuna, mackerel and salmon oils are good for health. The substance is known as omega-3 fatty acids.

For people with high triglyceride levels, it is advisable to consume omega-3 fatty acids to decrease their triglyceride levels. Eating omega-3 nutrients, such as fish twice a week, is believed to be beneficial for those who have high levels of triglycerides in the blood. But do not consume excessive because of high levels of omega-3 in the body can trigger the occurrence of obesity.

Overcoming high cholesterol with drugs

If in a few months cholesterol does not go down, even if you already practice a healthy lifestyle, then the doctor can advise you to take cholesterol-lowering drugs.

There are several types of cholesterol-lowering drugs and each of these drugs works in different ways. To find out the medication that suits you, you should consult your doctor first. If you also have high blood pressure or hypertension, most likely your doctor will prescribe medication to lower it. Some cholesterol-lowering drugs that can be prescribed by doctors are statins, aspirin, and ezetimibe.

Statins are useful for lowering cholesterol levels by blocking enzymes in the liver that are responsible for producing cholesterol. If prescribed by a doctor, usually the patient will take statins for a lifetime. Because if statins are not given, then cholesterol levels can go back up and can increase the risk of other related diseases, such as heart attacks.

Some types of statin drugs that doctors can recommend are simvastatin, atorvastatin, and rosuvastatin. But there are some people who are intolerant of statins and experience side effects when taking them. Common side effects include abdominal disturbances and muscle aches.

In addition to statins, the administration of low-dose aspirin may be recommended by doctors as well. Low doses of aspirin can also prevent the formation of blood clots. Aspirin generally should not be consumed by children under the age of 16.

For people with high cholesterol who can not take statins because of side effects, are taking other drugs whose performance may be disrupted, or have a disease that can get worse if using statins, then the doctor may prescribe ezetimibe. These drugs can also be combined with statins if the use of statins alone is not enough to successfully lower cholesterol levels. Ezetimibe works by preventing the absorption of cholesterol in the intestines from food. Ezetimibe is usually not as effective as statins, but the side effects are smaller.

Patients can consume ezetimibe and statins simultaneously if their high cholesterol levels are not enough to be lowered only by statins. Side effects arising from this combination are generally the same as those that appear on the use of statins alone, namely abdominal disturbances or muscle pain.

Lowering triglyceride with medication

Niacin is usually given to those who have high triglyceride levels. Niacin is a B vitamin found in foods and multivitamin supplements. In high doses administered through the prescription, niacin is able to lower triglycerides and increase good cholesterol or HDL levels.

However, the use of high doses can also lead to side effects of skin become redness. These side effects can also be reduced by avoiding spicy food consumption.

Niacin usually will not be given to those who are experiencing abdominal pain, heartburn, digestive disorders, or those at risk of experiencing these conditions. Users of niacin will usually be advised to undergo regular blood tests to ensure their liver is functioning properly.

In addition to niacin, fibrate group medications can also be given to lower excessive triglyceride levels in the blood. It works by lowering the production of VLDL (very-low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol. This type of cholesterol mostly contains triglycerides.

In addition, as mentioned above, most nutrition experts believe that omega-3s may help to overcome high triglycerides. Apart from food, omega-3 supplementation is also available that you can get freely. Consult the use of this substance to your doctor because it may affect other drugs you are taking.

Prevention of High Cholesterol

High cholesterol levels can be lowered with healthy foods that contain balanced nutrition. Avoid or limit fatty foods because they contain cholesterol. If we eat too much fatty foods, then it can be harmful to health because the arteries can be blocked by fatty deposits. There are two types of fat, namely saturated fat and unsaturated fats.

In order for bad cholesterol levels in the blood does not increase, it is advisable to avoid foods containing saturated fat. Examples of foods that contain high saturated fats are:

  • Innards
  • Coconut milk
  • Cow's brain
  • Quail eggs
  • Chicken skin and ducks
  • Lamb
  • Crackers
  • Frying
  • Calamari
  • Scallops

Conversely, unsaturated fats are fats that provide good health benefits. Unsaturated fats can increase good cholesterol levels and help reduce blockages inside the arteries. Examples of foods rich in unsaturated fats are:

  • Avocado
  • Nuts and seeds, such as almonds and walnuts
  • Olive oil
  • Natural peanut butter
  • Salmon, tuna, and mackerel

Eating low-fat and fiber-rich foods, such as whole-grain breads and pastas, as well as fruits and vegetables, has been shown to help lower excess cholesterol levels. Fiber, vitamins, and minerals contained in these foods are able to keep the body fit.

Prevent high cholesterol with regular exercise

Regular exercise or active daily living can help raise good cholesterol levels in the body because exercise or physical activity can stimulate the body to bring the fatty deposits into the liver to break down. In addition, exercise can also keep your heart and blood vessel condition well so that blood pressure and weight can go down. Being overweight is very harmful to health because it can cause an increase in the bad cholesterol content in the blood.

We recommend doing regular exercise to keep your cholesterol levels at a low level. The recommended quantity of exercise is 2-3 hours per week. Sports in question can be cycling, swimming, or on foot.

Stop smoking

In cigarettes found a chemical called acrolein. This substance can stop the activity of HDL (good cholesterol) to transport fat deposits into liver organ resulting in narrowing of arteries or atherosclerosis. From it can be concluded that smoking is a very big risk factor for someone to have a heart attack or stroke.

A bit about Obesity

Understanding Obesity

Obesity is a very high buildup of fat in the body that makes the weight is beyond the ideal limit.

A number of complications can arise due to obesity, even some of which endanger life. Some examples of serious complications include stroke, coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, colon cancer, and breast cancer.

In addition to leading to a number of physical health problems, obesity can also cause psychological problems, such as stress, and depression. This psychological problem arises because it usually starts from the self-confidence of obese people who experience changes in body shape.

To find out if your weight including a healthy weight can be done through the method of calculating BMI (Body Mass Index). The formula used in calculating BMI is the body weight in kilograms divided by the height of the body in meters squared (m²). For example if a person's weight is 66 kilograms and the height is 1.65 meters, then the count is 66 / (1.65 X 1.65) = 24.2. These results fall into the category of healthy or normal weight because it still ranges from 18.5 to 24.9.

If your final BMI count is less than 18.5 then you are considered underweight. Conversely, if the result is more than 24.9 then you are considered overweight. A person is deemed obese if they have an BMI calculation result between 30-39.9. Furthermore, a person is considered to be of extreme obesity if the end result of BMI is above 40.

Causes of obesity

Obesity can occur when we frequently eat high-calorie foods. Actually, eating high-calorie foods is not always a problem as long as it is in accordance with the activities performed every day. However, if we spend more time sitting and not offset by active exercise, the remaining energy from the burning of calories will be stored in the body in the form of fat. Gradually, the buildup of fat will increase and make the body look bigger aka fat.

In addition to the high-calorie foods and lack of exercise, obesity can also occur because:
  • Heredity factor (genetic)
  • Side effects of medications (antidepressants, antiepileptic drugs, corticosteroids, and diabetes)
  • Complications of certain diseases (Cushing's syndrome and hypothyroidism)

Obesity in Indonesia

Based on data compiled by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2008, about 4.8 percent of the total population of Indonesia is obese. It is estimated that this condition is experienced by 6.9 percent of men and 2.6 percent of women of all populations.

Treatment of obesity

Obesity can be handled alone with the discipline of applying a healthy diet, such as eating foods low in fat and sugar, and exercise regularly. Sports in question does not need to be heavy because the activity goes early, cycling, playing badminton, or swimming is enough, as long as done regularly. It is recommended to exercise 2.5-5 hours per week.

Handling from a doctor can be given if obesity is not successfully overcome despite being disciplined in exercising and applying a healthy diet. Examples of treatment from a doctor is a drug that can reduce the absorption of fat in the digestive tract.

In some cases, obesity will be treated with surgery. Surgery is usually only done if the level of obesity is considered so severe that it is feared can threaten the lives of patients. Operative measures are also considered if efforts to lose weight that has been done for some time still not work.

Keep in mind that weight loss is done by own business takes a short time. Therefore it takes patience to achieve the desired results and commitment to maintain it in the long run.

Causes of Obesity

Obesity can occur when we often eat high-calorie foods with no offset by the appropriate physical movement. When the energy generated from burning calories is not used, then the body will store it in the form of fat. Over time, this fat will continue to overlap and become obese.

The average caloric requirement for physically active adult women per day is about 2000, while for physically active adult men it is 2500. But the problem is that most of us rarely move. Either caused by a binding job (such as having to sit in front of the computer all day) or because we prefer to spend leisure time relaxing, watching tv, playing video games, or sleeping.

In fact the work factor should not be an excuse because we can still use the spare time at least half an hour every day for exercise, as well as walking fast in the morning / afternoon, cycling, or doing aerobic exercise. But often this positive thing we do not do, let alone the physical inactivity is exacerbated also by our habits eat large amounts of food, the joy of eating fast food, sweet drinks, or even consume alcoholic beverages.

In addition to an unhealthy diet and a less active body move, obesity can also be caused by other factors, such as:
  • Heredity or genetics inherited from parents.
  • Drug side effects. Some types of drugs that can cause weight gain are antidepressants, antipsychotics, antiepileptics, steroids, diabetes drugs, and beta blockers.
  • Pregnancy. When pregnant, women will need a lot of nutrients from food intake. But not a few also from those who have difficulty to recharge her body after giving birth.
  • Lack of sleep. Hormonal changes that occur when we lack sleep can increase appetite. This can lead to obesity.
  • Growing age. The older our age, the greater the risk of weight gain. This is caused by decreased body metabolism and reduced muscle mass.
  • Diet and lifestyle.

There are several types of diseases that impact can cause weight gain, including:
  • Prader-Willi syndrome. A person born with this genetic disorder will have an extreme appetite
  • Arthritis. A person who has arthritis will usually be difficult to move. This condition makes the activity limited so vulnerable to gaining weight.
  • Cushing's syndrome. Patients with this condition have high levels of the hormone cortisol in the body. Cortisol is one of the hormones that can increase appetite.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome. This condition can disrupt the balance of hormones in the female reproductive system.
  • Hypothyroidism. This is a disorder of the thyroid gland that can cause the production of important hormones to be less or even stopped.

Diagnosis of Obesity

The main way to know someone is obese or not is through the measurement of body mass index (BMI) by comparing body weight and height. Figures or calculations that are usually made as a benchmark medical condition obesity is 30 and above.

In addition to calculating BMI, doctors may also calculate hip and waist circumference comparisons, measure the thickness of skin folds, and perform scans with ultrasound, CT scan and MRI to determine the levels of fat and its distribution in the body.

The results of the calculation of waist circumference can be used as a doctor as a reference whether the patient is at risk of obesity-related diseases, such as heart problems and diabetes. The risk of developing the disease will increase if the patient is male and has a stomach circumference of more than 102 cm or a woman with an abdominal circumference of more than 80 cm.

The doctor may offer other advanced examinations, such as blood tests (including checking sugar levels, cholesterol levels, thyroid function, and liver function) and cardiovascular examination via electrocardiogram to determine the level of risk of obesity-related illness.

Treatment of Obesity

Losing weight to a safe size for health is a major goal of obesity treatment. If you suffer from obesity, it is advisable to cut 600 calorie intake per day constantly in order to lose weight safely. The safe weight loss for obese people is about half a kilogram to one kilogram per week. That is, if you are a man suffering from obesity, then total caloric intake per day should not be more than 1900 calories. Whereas if you are a woman with obesity, then the intake of calories per day should not exceed 1400.

Avoid foods and drinks that contain high fat and sugar. In addition, avoid consuming alcoholic beverages. It is recommended to increase the consumption of high-fiber foods, such as vegetables and fruits. Other types of healthy foods are brown rice, eggs, low-fat meat, beans, fish, potatoes, and whole grain bread.

If you want to buy food or beverage products sold on the market, always note the caloric levels listed on the product label. Avoid eating foods that contain too much salt because it can cause hypertension.

In addition to applying healthy eating habits, other things you should also apply to overcome obesity is to exercise regularly. It is recommended to exercise for two and a half hours up to five hours per week. Examples of easy exercises are a leisurely walk in the morning or evening, jogging, swimming, playing badminton, or casual biking.

To support your success in treating obesity, ask your family or friends to support and motivate. Also, avoid situations that will tempt you to eat unhealthy foods or eat uncontrollably. If necessary, ask for help from a psychologist to help improve your perspective on food or diet. Do not forget to always monitor the results you get by routinely weighing the body and keeping track of it to make comparisons with the following weeks.

Handling of obesity using drugs

Handling of obesity with drugs will usually be advised by doctors if weight loss is not successfully lowered by the adoption of a healthy lifestyle alone. Medication is usually only done by doctors if your BMI reaches 28 or more, and you have diabetes or hypertension.

Drugs that are often prescribed by doctors to treat obesity are drugs that contain orlistat. This drug works in the digestive tract by blocking the absorption of fat by the body. Side effects of moderate orlistat use, namely dizziness, abdominal pain, abdominal bloating, and become difficult to hold and frequent bowel movements. The stools of someone taking this drug look like oily. This is caused by the disposal of fat that is not absorbed by the body.

If the orlistat managed to lose five percent of body weight within three months, the use of this drug should be continued. But if within that time there is no meaningful weight loss, then this drug is not effective for you and you should see a doctor again to find an alternative solution.

Treatment of obesity with surgical procedures

The surgical procedure is usually only recommended if the obesity suffered by the patient has reached a very dangerous level.

Although surgical procedures promise quick results, it does not guarantee that weight loss can be sustained over the long term. The results of surgery will be maintained if he wants to change his negative lifestyle habits into a healthy lifestyle.

Two examples of surgical procedures for dealing with obesity are gastric bypass surgery and laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) surgery. Gastric bypass surgery is done with the aim of limiting the amount of food that enters as well as inhibit the absorption process by making a small sac above the stomach and the new path from the small sac to the small intestine without passing through the stomach. While LAGB surgery is almost similar to gastric bypass, which aims to slow down the process of food consumption so you feel full faster and ultimately reduce the amount of food intake. This procedure is done by installing a bracelet clamping device around the hull.

Obesity based on other conditions

If obesity is a symptom or complication of a disease you are suffering from, for example, diabetes, hypertension, obstructive sleep apnea, or polycystic ovary syndrome, the doctor will adjust the treatment to the underlying condition. In such cases, the treatment usually will be referred to a related specialist.

Obesity Complications

Obese people can experience difficulty in normal daily routine due to their limited mobility and tired and sweaty physical condition. In addition, obese people will also usually feel not confident and feel isolated. Often these feelings develop into depression or cause damage to relationships with others.

Here are some health problems associated with obesity, including:
  • Snoring
  • Hard to breathe
  • Joint pain
  • Back pain
  • Atherosclerosis
  • High cholesterol
  • Hypertension
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Asthma
  • Gastric acid disease or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  • Sleep apnea
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Gallstone disease
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Menstrual disorders
  • Complications of pregnancy
  • Kidney disorders
  • Liver disorders
  • Bowel cancer
  • Cervical cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Stroke
  • Heart disease

How To Easily Overcome Obesity Naturally

Being overweight or overweight is almost never finished. Problems always arise for people who have issues with obesity such as difficulty to choose the right clothes, lack of confidence to the problem of diseases. Obesity has more influence on women who are obese will be difficult to make their appearance to be beautiful, finally the sense of lack of confidence is haunting. Most women who have problems with obesity will tend to be emotional and easily offended especially when in touch on their appearance.
In the world of health, obesity has an unfavorable effect on the health of the body. Many diseases that lurk people who have excess weight. Vulnerable diseases include diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, to problems with monthly cycles or menstruation. The cause of obesity there are also various kinds and sometimes the habit is also can be a trigger of obesity. To know more about the causes of obesity, here are some lists of causes of obesity that can be seen so that later can find an easy way to overcome obesity later.

Causes of Obesity

Thyroid Disadvantages

Lack of thyroid levels will make the fat in the body is very difficult to melt or burned so that fat accumulation continues to occur. Thyroid deficiency in the body also affects the increased appetite especially in foods that contain high fat. This event is more often experienced by women which resulted in the slow movement of metabolism in the body.

Lack of Essential Fatty Acids

Women do tend to have problems with obesity. Especially if the body has a lack of good fats such as essential fatty acids that produce hormones that treat and maintain metabolism in the body. 

At Menopause Period

Menopause, or period no longer menstruating in women, usually reduce the production of hormones that are owned. In some women who have menopause, their appetite increases. This is what will affect the body weight.

Experiencing Cortisol Disorders

Increased production of cortisol hormone results in increased fat accumulation in the body, especially on the abdomen, face, or shoulders. 

Using Contraceptives

Women who take contraceptive drugs or birth control pills tend to be overweight on their bodies. This is due to hormonal changes and also increases hormones so that an effect on the increased appetite. 

Unbalanced Blood Sugar

Increased and uncontrolled appetite results in unbalanced blood sugar. This results in weight gain. Increased levels of insulin in the blood makes a person become often hungry and always eager to eat. 

Whether Pregnant or Breastfeeding

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding usually experience significant weight gain. This is because women always receive food to meet the nutritional intake for women themselves and also the needs of the fetus in the womb. 

Obesity does not always make a person feel comfortable. Therefore, there are various ways to restore posture such as before obesity, except women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding do not need special care because the weight will drop by itself when the feeding process later. However, for other cases of obesity is required treatment for weight can return to normal. No need to use extreme ways to reduce fat in the body, because there are easy ways to overcome the obesity of origin performed routinely and painstakingly.

How To Overcome Overweight


With regular exercise, obesity can be overcome. One exercise that can be done easily and also cheap is to jog every day for 15 minutes. In addition to weight loss due to obesity, jogging can also make the body becomes more healthy and fresh every day.  

Fiber Consumption

Easy way to overcome obesity is to eat fibrous foods every day it will make sense of satiety longer so that indirectly will reduce the appetite and more controlled. In addition, fibrous foods can also reduce bad cholesterol in the body. Fiber foods also have low calorie so it is suitable for food programs in losing weight. 

Protein Consumption

Foods with high protein content will make the feeling of satiety longer so that the appetite can be reduced and obesity can be reduced by reducing the portion of high-calorie foods. 

Reduce Snacking at Night

The habit of snacking at night before bed is not good because it affects the weight gain. Therefore, reduce snacking at night can reduce weight and obesity. If you want to snack, choose foods that are low in calories and fat like fruits. 

Drinking Water

Water is neutral and it is recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. With a lot of drinking, it will reduce the desire to eat-foods that are heavy and with high calories. 

Eat regularly

Eating regularly three times a day with the right portion and full of nutrients will balance every intake received and certainly not excessive. By eating regularly can also reduce obesity because the food is consumed enough fiber and other nutrients. 

Please try one of the tips to overcome obesity easily above optimally, then hopefully the result will be maximal. 

Change the Diet and Successfully Lower the 30 Kg Weight

Depression and embarrassment have a body fat with 159 cm height and 86 kg weight, Jessica had 'wobbly' and inconsistent apply the diet. Weight had also dropped and rose again repeatedly.

But with the intention to have a more proportionally strong body, she also never give up and keep trying to apply a healthy diet. Her weight was now down to 56 kg. Curious about Jessica's dietary story? Here's the story ...

From small I always have problems with weight. From the beginning of depression and embarrassment to accept the state of self, until finally ignore the body continues to swell. All that changed when the end of 2014 I experienced an incident that made me realize that my situation is not true and I do not look attractive with excessive weight.

I started to intend to lose weight by the end of September 2014, when I weighed 86 kg. I started eating healthy and exercising in the gym a week 6 times. Session with personal trainer 3 times a week and practice alone 3 times.

In the morning I drink a fruit smoothie and milk protein, daytime eating roasted fish, green vegetables, and potatoes for carbohydrate sources. The night after from the gym I eat fruit or milk protein. On weekends, I keep trying to choose healthy food when I'm out. This went on for two months.

In early December 2014 I had to go back to Indonesia and postpone taking gym membership, but I still keep a healthy diet. I managed to get off the weight of 86 kg to 71 kg exactly on January 1, 2015. After that my weight is stable at 70-74 kg, I am free to eat anything during the day and not dinner.Feeling I have not reached the target I want, I then start browsing again how to diet effectively. In mid-February I started a lemon detox diet popularized by Beyonce for 14 days. Through this program for 14 days I managed to go down to 64 kg although then rose again to the figure 68 kg after I returned to eat normally.

At the end of February 2015 I took private TRX classes 5 times a week, helped by a healthy diet that I guarded and replaced my drinking water with lemon infused water. I still allow myself to eat anything on cheat day, which is Saturday and Sunday. In mid-May 2015 I managed to achieve weight 56 ​​kg.Since then, feeling complacent I ate a mess and no longer practice TRX until at the beginning of January 2016 I feel uncomfortable with my weight back to touch the figure of 64 kg. I went back to maintain a healthy diet as before and apply cheat day only on Saturday and Sunday. Although it has not been back TRX training again due to time constraints, but at least I managed to restore my weight at 56 kg in early February 2016.

Changing diet and exercise really gives me a permanent result, because although I went back to eating a mess for more than 6 months, out of a total of 30 kg that I managed to prune, only about 8 kg returned to my body. While running a lemon detox diet, although in 14 days my weight dropped about 10 kg, but again rose 4 kg again in less than a week.

For friends who are undergoing weight loss programs, I recommend that you avoid 'crash dieting' because the results obtained are usually not permanent and can even return in larger quantities when you stop running the diet.

6 Ways to Lose Weight Without Calorie Counting

You must have heard the formula that weight loss can be done by eating less and moving more.But to find out whether the calories are burned when moving is more than the food consumed, you still need to count.Counting carefully the number of calories in each bite of food does help during the diet process. But, it takes time and makes their less intelligent arithmetic count.Moreover, we often encounter many food packaging that has no nutritional label and the number of calories contained in it."For example, fresh food, grain products sold in kilos and many restaurant foods, counting calories in foods like that can make you dizzy," says the author of The All-Natural Diabetes Cookbook, Jackie Newgent, R.D.N.Well if you include the reluctant to count, there is actually an easy way to lose weight while still reducing the intake of calories without having to play numbers.Owner Amy Gorin Nutrition, Amy Gorin, M.S., R.D.N, said that small lifestyle changes can be an easy way to lose weight without having to make us feel restricted calories.Here are six tips that will help the success of the diet without having to calculate the caloric intake.

1. Choose the right carbohydrates

We certainly know different types of carbohydrates. Instead of eating refined carbohydrates like white bread and white rice - which tend to contain high calories and low in nutrients - better replace them with wholegrain bread or brown, black, or brown rice that is more fibrous, filling, and slow to digest.

"Grains are more helpful diet program because it is healthier, more filling, and has a higher fiber content that helps the digestive process," said Newgent.

"Fiber will also be choked longer, and this holds back the blood sugar spike, which ultimately helps prevent excessive caloric intake by delaying hunger," Newgent said.

2. Avoid processed foods

Know that weight gain is also related to the type of food you eat, not just calories.  

A study from The New England Journal of Medicine found that people who frequently consume processed meats, potato chips and soda over a four-year period of weight gain 16 pounds more than those who consume fresh foods such as vegetables, grains, fruit, and beans.

"One way to get a full nutritional intake, avoid processed foods and choose fresh, less processed foods," says Newgent.

3. Expand protein

Protein is an important substance in the daily diet that helps build muscle.

"Muscles are active metabolic tissue or a kind of kitchen to burn calories, meaning if you are more muscular, then the body will also burn more calories," Newgent said.

"Proteins derived from meat and fish are very good, but we can also get protein from vegetable," he added.

Gorin recommends beans (dried pea seeds), such as beans, lentils, beans, and dried beans as a source of vegetable protein.

4. Put vegetables first

What did you take first during meals? Most people will take the rice. Well try to replace this habit by filling the plate with vegetables first.

"Vegetables are usually nutrient-dense and not packed with calories, so take vegetables first, such as sprouts, beets, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, cucumbers, green vegetables, or tomatoes," Newgent said.

After that then add it with protein and carbohydrates. That way there is little space left for the high-calorie carbohydrates. You also do not need to fear the lack of carbohydrates because in the vegetables are also contained that element.

With this simple method we will reduce the calories without having to count them. Just imagine, if you take two cups of pasta first, then on the plate there are 289 calories. Meanwhile, when taken is broccoli then there are only 55 calories.

5. Focus on eating

The success of the diet is not just about what you eat, but also how you eat.

According to research in The Journal Appetite, eating while doing other activities - such as watching TV - can cause us to ignore the signals of satiety in the body, so we eat more than we should.

"Sit in a chair, use the cutlery well, and enjoy your meal," Newgent said.

6. Drink more water

The water we drink is not only good for joints and digestion, but it can also help regulate how much food is consumed.

In a study published in the journal Obesity found that people who drank two glasses of water before eating not only feel full, but also tend to eat in smaller portions.

What should be noted is do not replace water with soda or other sweet drinks. You may still feel full, but replacing food with sugar is not a wise way.

If you want to enjoy a drink with a certain flavor, use cucumber slices, lemon slices, or other fruits.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

How To Lose Weight In 2 Weeks Naturally

Various ways to lose weight in 2 weeks naturally, is possible. Weight loss depends on how much caloric intake is consumed and how many calories are burned.

Theoretically, a person can lose weight up to 9 kg in 2 weeks, but ideally the average weight loss is between 1 to 2 kg per week. This can help you achieve a healthy weight.

Weight loss should be done gradually. Diets are done in a short time, generally will only lose temporary weight alone. When your diet program is over, your weight can go back so that your efforts to lose weight have been ineffective.

Various Ways to Lose Weight Can Be Done

There are several ways to lose weight in 1 week naturally you can do, as follows:

Reduce caloric intake

Reduced calorie intake or portion of food proved effective to reduce weight in a short time. Everyone's caloric needs vary, depending on various factors such as age, sex, height, weight, and activity. To maximize the effect of your diet, better reduce snack and seasonings, and multiply the consumption of vegetables.

Avoid fast food

In addition to reducing caloric intake, avoiding fast food also helps you lose weight. Instead, you can choose foods that contain lots of protein such as fish and chicken, and low-carbohydrate vegetables. That way, you can still feel full without eating many calories.

Expand sports and physical activity

One way to lose weight in 1 week is to increase exercise and physical activity, which will burn calories. The more calories burned, the more weight will decrease faster. Exercise such as lifting weights or aerobic exercise you can apply daily to increase muscle mass and metabolism, while reducing the deposition of carbohydrates and fluids in the body that makes your weight increase. 

Reduce carbohydrates and increase protein

Applying the habit of reducing carbohydrate consumption or carbo diet, healthy as well as proven effective for weight loss. Limit consumption of rice, pasta, and other foods containing carbohydrates or sugars. Instead, you can multiply vegetables low in carbohydrates, eat eggs, lean meats, and fish. Protein can also help increase metabolism in your body. 

Fasting routine

Benefits of fasting done regularly, can help you lose weight. Indirectly, you will try to limit your caloric intake and other foods in a certain period of time. But some experts do not recommend fasting as a way of losing weight. You also need to be careful if you have stomach or diabetes, or take certain medications before trying to fast to lose weight. 

To get the best results, you should apply how to lose weight in 2 weeks naturally by the rules. Do not let your weight drop dramatically, but your health condition is actually disturbed. The best diet needs to be done gradually and in balance.

If you have difficulty in applying how to lose weight in 2 weeks or have a health problem, you should consult a doctor to get a good diet suggestions according to your health condition.

* CLICK HERE to know more about The 2 Week Diet