1. Choose the right carbohydrates
We certainly know different types of carbohydrates. Instead of eating refined carbohydrates like white bread and white rice - which tend to contain high calories and low in nutrients - better replace them with wholegrain bread or brown, black, or brown rice that is more fibrous, filling, and slow to digest.
"Grains are more helpful diet program because it is healthier, more filling, and has a higher fiber content that helps the digestive process," said Newgent.
"Fiber will also be choked longer, and this holds back the blood sugar spike, which ultimately helps prevent excessive caloric intake by delaying hunger," Newgent said.
2. Avoid processed foods
Know that weight gain is also related to the type of food you eat, not just calories.
A study from The New England Journal of Medicine found that people who frequently consume processed meats, potato chips and soda over a four-year period of weight gain 16 pounds more than those who consume fresh foods such as vegetables, grains, fruit, and beans.
"One way to get a full nutritional intake, avoid processed foods and choose fresh, less processed foods," says Newgent.
3. Expand protein
Protein is an important substance in the daily diet that helps build muscle.
"Muscles are active metabolic tissue or a kind of kitchen to burn calories, meaning if you are more muscular, then the body will also burn more calories," Newgent said.
"Proteins derived from meat and fish are very good, but we can also get protein from vegetable," he added.
Gorin recommends beans (dried pea seeds), such as beans, lentils, beans, and dried beans as a source of vegetable protein.
4. Put vegetables first
What did you take first during meals? Most people will take the rice. Well try to replace this habit by filling the plate with vegetables first.
"Vegetables are usually nutrient-dense and not packed with calories, so take vegetables first, such as sprouts, beets, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, cucumbers, green vegetables, or tomatoes," Newgent said.
After that then add it with protein and carbohydrates. That way there is little space left for the high-calorie carbohydrates. You also do not need to fear the lack of carbohydrates because in the vegetables are also contained that element.
With this simple method we will reduce the calories without having to count them. Just imagine, if you take two cups of pasta first, then on the plate there are 289 calories. Meanwhile, when taken is broccoli then there are only 55 calories.
5. Focus on eating
The success of the diet is not just about what you eat, but also how you eat.
According to research in The Journal Appetite, eating while doing other activities - such as watching TV - can cause us to ignore the signals of satiety in the body, so we eat more than we should.
"Sit in a chair, use the cutlery well, and enjoy your meal," Newgent said.
6. Drink more water
The water we drink is not only good for joints and digestion, but it can also help regulate how much food is consumed.
In a study published in the journal Obesity found that people who drank two glasses of water before eating not only feel full, but also tend to eat in smaller portions.
What should be noted is do not replace water with soda or other sweet drinks. You may still feel full, but replacing food with sugar is not a wise way.
If you want to enjoy a drink with a certain flavor, use cucumber slices, lemon slices, or other fruits.
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