Saturday, March 17, 2018

What is obesity (overweight)?

Obesity is a chronic condition in the body where excess fat accumulation in the body, exceeds the limits good for health. Obesity not only affects the physical appearance of the sufferer, but also increases the risk in other health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

Obesity and overweight are two different concepts. Overweight is a condition in which there is excess weight gain. However, weight gain is not only caused by excess fat, but can also be caused by muscle mass or fluid in the body. These conditions can have harmful effects on health.

How common is obesity (overweight)?

Everyone can be overweight if they do not keep their diet and do enough exercise. Obesity is usually suffered by people with administrative or office work. You can keep yourself from obesity by reducing risk factors. Please consult your doctor for more information.

What are the signs and symptoms of obesity (overweight)?

Body weight index (BMI) is a way to tell if a person is obese, overweight, or not. The formula of BMI calculation is:
BMI = weight (kg) / (height (m) x height (m))
People with a BMI greater than 25 can be categorized as overweight, at 30 or more belonging to obesity, and at 40 and above are serious obesity rates.
For most people, BMI is used to measure the fat content in the body. However, BMI can not be used as an independent reference to measure fat levels in the body. For example, BMIs from athletes who perform certain bodybuilding can be categorized as obese because their muscles develop in excess to look big and strong, even if they do not have excess fat. If we only rely on BMI, we will not get an accurate measure of obesity. So, consult your doctor for details about your level of obesity.
Obesity can increase the risk of dangerous diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, and coronary heart disease. This situation also increases the arthritis that causes shortness of breath, sleep apnea, and fatigue quickly.
From the above explanation, there may be other symptoms that are not mentioned. If you have any questions about the side effects, please consult a doctor.

When should I see a doctor?

If you think you may have obesity, especially if you are concerned about weight problems, see your doctor immediately. Your doctor can measure your health risks and discuss how to lose weight. See your doctor regularly for the best diagnosis and treatment methods available to you.

What causes obesity (overweight)?

Obesity is caused by excessive levels of calories in the body. Obesity is caused by various factors (multifactorial). The interaction between the various factors is what causes a person to be obese. Several factors are genetic factors (psychological factors (eating during stress), and culture / social (people who eat large amounts are considered normal).

What increases my risk for obesity?

Factors that may increase the risk of obesity include:
  • Genetic
  • Lifestyle
  • The habit of eating less healthy food
  • Smoke
  • Lack of sleep
  • Use of certain drugs
  • Age
  • Social and economic issues
  • Health problems

If you do not have these risk factors does not mean you can not get obesity. The signs are just a reference, so it would be better if you consult a doctor for more information.

What are my treatment options for obesity?

Maintaining a balanced diet, exercise, and perform surgery can be done to reduce weight. Dieticians and doctors can help you to design a low-fat and low-calorie diet. Exercise is also an effective step. Some ways of treatment can reduce weight but also have side effects. Use it if the previous methods are not effective, and take medication under the supervision of your doctor and health professional. 

An active lifestyle, exercise, and a healthy balanced diet is the best way to lose weight and maintain health. You can consult a doctor or dietitian to measure your calorie levels that you can consume every day. It aims to reduce weight and maintain your health. Health experts can inform information about:
  • How to choose healthy food
  • Choosing a healthy snack
  • How to read the nutritional content before taking it
  • A healthy way of processing food
  • Set the diet
Remember that losing weight on a regular basis can help you gain ideal weight.

You should also know about restrictions on eating junk food during stress through some techniques to reduce stress, such as yoga, exercise, or treatment. Call your doctor if you experience excessive stress.

Some treatment techniques can reduce weight, but also cause side effects. Use it if diet and exercise do not go well. Drink drugs under the supervision of doctors and health experts.

If you are obese (100% weight above ideal body weight or BMI above 40) and fail after doing some methods of reducing fat, you may consider doing surgery, such as minor surgery on the abdominal area and stomach.

What are the usual tests for obesity?

To diagnose obesity, your doctor will check your physical condition by asking about the history of the disease, diet, and exercise habits.

Then, the doctor will suggest two methods to measure the level of health risks associated with your weight:

  • Body Mass Index (BMI) is calculated by the formula: BMI = weight (kg) / (height 9 (m) x height (m)). If the index is over 25, you are overweight, the index at 30 or over including obesity, and at 40 and above including severe obesity
  • Measuring waist circumference is another way to measure your body fat levels 

What are the lifestyle changes or home remedies that can be done to overcome obesity (overweight)?

The following activities and home remedies can help you cope with obesity:

  • Inform your doctor about your health condition
  • Tell your doctor what medications you are taking. Call your doctor if you experience any side effects from these medications
  • Join a community that deals with weight loss
  • Perform active daily physical activities
  • Understand the current state of weight, body weight index, and fat on your body
  • Call your doctor if you have diarrhea or low blood sugar after surgery
  • Understand the condition of your body in order to plan activities in accordance with the condition of the body
  • Make a realistic target; do not lose weight drastically in a short time because it will easily come back again
  • Follow the handling schedule well
  • Record the history of your treatment process. Try to record the foods eaten and the activities that are done during the period of overweight. It can help you to take responsibility for yourself. In addition, you will also be better trained to categorize foods or activities that must be maintained or reduced. You can identify and avoid foods that invite excessive appetite; eat only when feeling hungry

 If you have any questions, consult your doctor for the best solution of your problem.

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